
Transforming Aspects Of The Ego


In this visualisation we start to look at the areas of our lives that we feel hold us back or make us feel uncomfortable. We may have belief systems of failure, inferiority, lack, arrogance etc. Whatever it is, remember that it is all energy and we can transform it into something which better supports us.

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In this visualisation we start to look at the areas of our lives that we feel hold us back or make us feel uncomfortable. We may have belief systems of failure, inferiority, lack, arrogance etc. Whatever it is, remember that it is all energy and we can transform it into something which better supports us.

Repeated patterns can come about due to a lack of understanding around a certain area or event. We therefore miss the ‘point’ of the repeated opportunity for learning and understanding (karma – learning and understanding).

These misunderstandings may also be carried down through generations through the DNA as vibrational frequencies that become triggered and spark into life when a certain event and reaction to that event match the original frequency.

We may then play the same pattern out again and again simply because we have no idea of it’s origin or what the learning even was/is.

When these frequencies are inherited they often don’t even belong to us and may show up in a visualization as family members. Once the situation is realized it can be released from the DNA through intention, focus and love.


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