Grounding and Protection

Grounding – What Does It Mean?

It means that you are fully present

You get things done

You feel strong

Have a healthy libido

Good digestion

You pay attention

You are aware of others and how they feel

You are aware of your actions, words and sometimes even thoughts and how they affect others

You care about the world that you live in

You are fully connected to your life-force

From an energetic perspective it means to be present and connected into the earth and her energy. Being grounded increases awareness and feeling. It improves how we relate to our surroundings and others and we generally feel stronger and like we have more energy.

Symptoms of being ungrounded

Constantly banging into things

Having accidents

Having great ideas but unable to make them into something real 

Feeling exhausted



Too much thinking




Lack of libido


Money shortages

Inability to make a decision and follow it through

There are many more but these are just a few. I would like to point out that these are ‘symptoms’ which can be aided by the exercises in this book.  

When I first became aware of grounding, I found it very difficult. I’d never done it before and was so disappointed when it didn’t seem to work for me. I used to think a lot and was very much in my head so wasn’t used to putting my consciousness into my body. I just wasn’t used to focusing my thoughts, awareness and energy downwards, let alone into the centre of the earth!

So as the saying goes, ‘If you don’t succeed the first time, try, try again’ so I did.

Now it happens with ease. There may be other reasons why you may experience some of the conditions listed above. Please consult your doctor if symptoms persist.

Why do I need to ground

Because if you ground you will not lose your footing, lose your grip or loose the plot in life so to speak.  Life can be challenging enough.

We are here on Earth to experience life in the third/fourth/fifth dimensions.  Living in a body on this wonderful planet is a precious gift and an opportunity to be cherished.  Grounding with the Earth and the energy of Mother Nature enhances all aspects of our life and enables us to understand how loved and supported we are.

In areas of society where stress is becoming a ‘normal’ part of everyday life, we end up living in ‘fight or flight’. This is a state that causes reaction and sickness.

Let me explain. When stressed, ‘fight or flight’ hormones are released. The heart rate increases, breath becomes shallow and rapid, the mouth becomes dry and you either want to expel the contents of your bowels and bladder or the body holds onto them while it sends its energy elsewhere. It’s one or the other.

Your body is preparing itself to fight or run. This is basic, primal survival.

If you are in a situation where you cannot run, your energy literally moves upwards in the direction of the head. This is where you panic and make the kind of hasty decisions that you may later regret because you had not been centered, calm and grounded.

Being ungrounded means that you are not fully present in your body or life.  It’s like having a house and only living upstairs.

While upstairs is clean, tidy and lived in, downstairs becomes dusty, unkempt and may be inhabited by all kinds of creatures, maybe even squatters.

How to ground yourself

Firstly, it is vital that you actively start working through your karma. Karma simply put, means learning and understanding. The ‘baggage’ that you may have is yours to grow through. Think of it like compost!

What you pay attention to becomes your reality.  Often we do not pay attention to the things that feel uncomfortable to us.

You may have spent many years paying attention to what you didn’t want. How? By worrying about it. Constantly thinking about it. This generates a lot of energy which sits wherever you left it.

This is some of the ‘baggage’ that I’m talking about.

It’s healthy to pay attention to baggage during therapy sessions or inner work, while you are transforming or clearing it. Outside of that you can get on with your everyday life. 

Lower vibrating energies tend to get stuck in the lower part of the body and heart. Here is where we need to get stuck in and start foraging around in it!

Methods for grounding

Make the effort to work through your stuff because it pays off. To aid the process, walk barefoot whenever you can.  Eat organic root vegetables and move your body. Below is a visualization that will help you to ground. I recommend you practice this daily after waking. It’s a productive way to start your day.

Gems and Crystals for grounding

Black Tourmaline – Black.  Spiritual grounding, cleansing, balancing

Hematite – Grounding, good for the blood, balancing and removing negative energy

Smoky Quartz – Grounding, stabilizing and centering

Red Carnelian – Light red to orange, semi-precious.  Strength and courage. Also used to cleanse and activate

Protection and what it means

First of all I want to remind you that when you are grounded, you are naturally protected.

Remember that the nature of your thoughts will attract a similar vibration into your field. If your thoughts don’t feel good then change them by shifting your focus.

There are different schools of thought on this subject. One is that we are all protected and loved and therefore if we think like this, then we are. This is so to a point, but we all have lower vibrating frequencies in us at some time and there are many more that we cannot see like wi-fi, radio waves, pollutants, not to mention chemicals in our food and medicines. 

Trauma is held in the nerves and cells of the body and can stem from something as simple as being left alone as a baby for long periods of time whilst crying. Transform trauma along with detrimental beliefs and you are safe and protected. The only vibrations that you will attract are those which match these new vibrations unless you decide to recreate heavier ones and of course your Karmic learnings.

You may think

‘Okay so if I can transform these lower vibrations, then it doesn’t matter if I create more low ones because I can just transform them’.

I say, don’t waste your time! What’s the point of that when you could be creating something that could benefit you and those around you? 

There are many other vibrations in our energy field from the environment that we may not be aware of. With this in mind, it is good to protect yourself. You may also be going through a ‘process’. This will give off vibrations that may attract energies that resonate with what you are going through.

Your diet can also determine your vibration. For example, if you eat genetically modified food, it will eventually genetically modify you or the generations that follow. If you eat processed foods containing pesticides, grown in soil that is treated with chemicals, you are eating that too and it all goes into your body. Processed foods generally have very little nutritional content.

The same goes for the air that we breathe and the unseen ‘waves’ that travel through our environment like microwaves, wifi, mobile phone rays etc.

Some people are more sensitive than others and may find that protection helps.  The environment in which we live matters as much as how we think and feel, inside and out.

This is a good enough reason to keep your energy clean and protect yourself when necessary.  

There are times in our lives when the unexpected takes us by surprise. During these times, I find this process to be of great value.  As time goes by you may find yourself using it less and less.

The more you work through your fears, the less you will need protecting because your vibration starts to attract more of the good stuff.

Exercise 1 – Grounding and Protection

Sit comfortably, back straight and slow down the breath. Relax each muscle in your body from your scalp and face, through the torso and abdomen, to the tips of your fingers and toes.

Imagine a golden root spiraling down from the base of your spine through all the layers of the Earth’s crust. Picture how the soil, stones and rocks would appear if you were travelling straight down with the root. When you get to the earth’s golden core, send out horizontal roots, anchoring you down.  

Now drink up the earth energy like light through the roots, up into the base of your spine and into the nerves of your body. Fill them and see/sense how they light up. Allow light to flow up the spinal cord and into all the nerves of your muscles and organs, finally reaching your brain.

Remain with this feeling for a few moments and notice how you feel. Acknowledge earth energy within you.

Now imagine a bright spark of white light shining in the centre of your chest in line with your heart. With each breath it increases in size until it becomes an orb of light.  

Slowly with each inhalation, imagine or sense it getting bigger and bigger. As it expands outwards from the centre of your heart it dissolves all dense, impure energy.  You can make the statement that you command all energy that does not belong to you, to return to source.

Continue to breathe light into your entire body. Now imagine exhaling through the pores of your skin, expanding light for three feet above, below and all around until you are sitting in a bubble of pure white light.  

Imagine that you crystallize the outer edge and turn it into a thick layer of pure gold.  Make it reflective on the outside like a one-way mirror that only you can see through. All energies, vibrations and influences that you do not want to allow into this luminous sphere simply bounce off it leaving you safe and unaffected.

When you are ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.

What the above meditation actually does is make you feel safe and this vibration of feeling safe is what you are now a match to. Thus you are protected.

Sensing energy

We all have different ways of perceiving our inner worlds. Some of us sense things, others see or feel them, while others have an inner ear that hears intuitions and guides. Some just know. Whatever your method of connecting to and sensing this environment be it internal or external, it helps if you develop the senses of perception. Qigong, visualization and meditation are profound tools for this.